Stephen O'Neal Commentaries, 01 through 30 April, 2022

22 April, 2022

The Plague of Miscalculations - Some Implications of Armstrong's Recent Work

  Speaking again of the Neocon agenda, here is the latest this morning from Armstrong's research [1].  A couple of weeks ago, Harris canceled a trip to Taiwan, as there was a strongly worded warning from China regarding the provocative nature of such a trip.  Now Senator Graham, who has previously inflamed Russia over comments clearly intended to create conflict, is doing the one thing that will send the supply chain into chaos, and force China and Russia to overcome the traditional wall of distrust and form a more substantial alliance.  This process evidently will include the oil-rich Middle Eastern nations as well, and also carries a strange Semitic component directly into the world conflict through a convoluted game being played by Zelensky, and his Globalist handlers [4], [5].  At this point, we begin to clearly see not only the lies and divisions that governments and their supranational agencies bathe the public in preceding a war, but the traditional historical prophesies of ecclesiastical alignments adding a further dimension to the horizon.  In a partner article, Armstrong is also noting that Preston Dunlap has left his advisory position at the Pentagon [2], stating very strongly that the U.S. has "lost the technology war with China," with very ominous implications.  This development portends the fall of the West as the center of socioeconomic power, which is now well established in the SOCRATES code results, peaking post-2032.  There are intervening considerations, however, that are beyond the scope of this particular discussion [6]. 

   During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy administration sent the deputy Sec. of Defense to a lecture in the Midwest, stating the reality that the so-called "missile gap" was in fact grossly ironic, and that instead of a Soviet predominance, in fact the West had a more than ten to one missile advantage.  The purpose was to compromise Khrushchev and call his bluff, but to do so using a junior staff member making a speech in an innocuous location that would be picked up by the Kremlin, but NOT be a direct element of confrontation, as would occur if the President or a senior staff made the statement.  It is arguable that a similar attempt is being made to shore up our position with Taiwan without sending the Vice President as a flagrant provocation, but this did not work at intended.  The ineptness of our current foreign policies, not to mention domestic, is profound, or more precisely - profane.  

   We have a third article from Armstrong [3], discussing the ridiculous situation in Shanghai, in particular the devastating effect the lock down is having on the supply chain - and will soon have.  Armstrong goes further to suggest -

"Only 25 deaths in Shanghai were attributed to the corona virus, but over 25 million people directly suffered from this lock down. The lock down was not about safety. Warehouses are beginning to open, but the world’s largest port ceased operations. Again, no world leaders commented heavily on these major issues."

And, in [1],

"Shanghai lock down will have a profound impact further creating shortages that will push inflation higher. This may recall being the objective given the obstinance of the US policy toward Russia. Shanghai officials said they would lift the lock down only in batches once virus transmission outside quarantined areas was stamped out. There is no massive wave of deaths and it could very well prove to be a new strategy to combat American sanctions."

Note the very last sentence.  The anomaly that China is strangely employing these lock downs when they are no doubt aware of the Ivermectin- FLCCC protocols and other successes worldwide, indicates that even they, who have been resisting the Great Reset meme,  are using
Covid as a means to control their general population.  Unless there is a global awakening and revolt of the people to overturn the arcane orgy of technocratic fascism that our world governments have entered, the insanity of this Covid meme, and now a neuvo-Pearl Harbor war strategy to corner Russia and ultimately China, will almost certainly become the insanity of general war, with all of the modern weapons and deficits of humaneness employed with desperate abandon.  And then we must consider the looming loss of food production due to explosive ecological insolvency, greatly accelerated by the decomposition of world commerce and the prospect of war.  If there is in fact a death-wish among the world elite, it certainly is not intended for themselves, but their miscalculations may prove to be more general in the final result.   . 






Dane Wigington's site is naturally appropriate here -

20 April, 2022

An Extraterrestrial Dimension

   Armstrong's article regarding the extraterrestrial issue [1] is quite interesting.  His discussion relating to the idea that the visitors are more likely to be from our future does have precedent with Linda Moulton Howe's research on the Bentwaters sighting, in which Burroughs and Penniston were met at close quarters by a small triangular ship, which Penniston actually touched and received a "download" that communicated a message that the ship was from about forty thousand years in our future.  In particular, the reasons for the visits included DNA sampling work needed to recover genetic and reproductive capability that had been lost sometime in our future. 

   My first acquaintance with Linda was at a lecture [2] in which she presented this research, and much of her subsequent work has centered around technological gain from these visiting entities.  Her crop circle investigations also carry a significant implication of extraterrestrial involvement, although it is not at all clear whether.the visits are necessarily from the future, or from another domain of space, or both.  

   One of the most intriguing aspects of the "ET" issue is the hypothesis that some of these visitors are invested in dealing with our nuclear weapons.  There are a number of well known cases in which missile silos have been interfered with as discs attended the sites, and at least one in which a missile test was intercepted by a beam and the warhead destroyed.   An adjunct rationale is the idea that these visitors may deflect nuclear war, in an effort to save mankind, and perhaps the planet in general.  This is difficult to discern, however, as it can be argued that the planetary ecology has already permanently deviated from its ecological locus.  It is yet unknown whether the Clathrate Gun [see Kennett Study] has reached the point of irrevocable feedback in the methane out gassing cycle, but we are arguably very close.  There also remains some ambiguity regarding the relative role of geomagnetic subsidence and anthropomorphic destruction of the ozone layer, as both contribute, but it is clear that the geo-engineering component contributes significantly, and perhaps fatally.  The argument arises that if any substantial protection is to be afforded by our visitors, then it makes no sense that they would wait until seventy percent of our oceans plankton, reefs and fish populations have been devastated, and more than eighty percent of insects.  As the damage is already in place, an argument can be made for hostile terra forming, but this is so far just speculation in the absence of sufficient evidence.

    Again, it is difficult to be confident that our friends will stop a nuclear war from occurring, but the idea of a limitation is interesting.  This folds into the concern I have had since 2018, in which the rationale of a limited nuclear exchange might be used as an arresting perturbation of the climactic strange attractor, interrupting the current feedback cycle that could send us to some approximation of the Venus Syndrome condition.  The Skousen hypothesis of a cultivated nuclear attack on the U.S. by Russia and China as part of a power realignment ties in with this as well, and is supported by anomalous strategic decisions since PDD-60 IN 1997 [4].  A host of geophysical solutions come to mind, including help with these from a new source.  But this becomes, once again, speculation, and we continue to see relentless destruction of our biosphere, and an extremely short time frame for disaster.  Something must now intervene, and this is is not the current litany of false environmentalism, a return to the way things were, or yet another economic agenda called a Reset.  The ultraviolet situation is, by itself, an extinction level event whose time frame is now only several years, independent of several other rapid effects.  If war does not lay the world flat, crop failure will, and then, inevitably, the war that naturally follows. 

   As for visitors from distance as well as time, there is much to discover in terms of what the spectrum of other universes really are, including the view that such translations are not simply in space, but between spaces defined by qualitatively different algorithms that sustain consciousness, reaching conceptually far beyond the simple idea of other galaxies in this physical space.  In the perspective of these abstractions of our greater existence, it is difficult to return to the idiotic pathology of our arrogant technocracies and their so-called New Order.  The crop circles certainly are mathematical in nature, and contain algorithms that are quite sublime.  Taken in context with another investigation by Linda Howe - the  "Self Activating Machines" discussions [see also [2]], in which the Palo Alto research investigates extraterrestrial machines operated by special symbols inscribed on the surfaces of the machines, is relevant.  The "dragon-fly" machines sighted in several places carry the same inscriptions.  The concept that the crop circles may not simply be artwork but could possess a similar operational purpose is worth considering.  There is, in this context, a further ecclesiastical dimension regarding the "written word," which have arguable relevance to the Moses experience.  Another aspect is the "burning bush" phenomenon, which is best described in terms of the Greber manuscript [3]. 

   Armstrong finishes the article with a humorous anecdote video "Kirk Meets Biden"  Of course, YouTube censored it, as the entire tech "leadership" is lost in their arrogant and ironically intolerant Brave New World, that shows little meaningful distinction from the etiology of the Third Reich, and its chemical solutions for our future.  One has an unsettling feeling from not only the prospect of a nuclear war that the supranational neocon elements are cultivating, but under a commander in chief, and arguably an entire compromised government, who clearly can't sensibly handle national priorities, let alone nuclear war operations, or the art of preventing them. 
   Hopefully I will have the time to delve deeper into the set theory and topology necessary to describe the larger algorithm of consciousness, and go far beyond the Hilbert and Banach spaces that investigators continue to reside in.   Our greater environment is far more a matter of looking into the fundamental logic of our souls than at the galaxies our eyes see.  Perhaps a tip to Nevada to force the issue and canvass our reluctant friends may be a charming idea. Jordan Maxwell did regret leaving the high desert in too much a hurry that night, and I regret not being able to spend some time with him before he died.  For a while longer, however, necessity makes me a carpenter and mason in the Ozark wilderness, although the world as we know it may only have several years left.  I believe that I understand how the Essenes felt, around year 65.

Namaste, SKO


See proceeds, Ozark Mountain [Eureka Springs] UFO Conferences, ca 2010-2012.

Johannes Greber, "Communication with the Spirit World of God," 1930.  See discussion regarding the properties of odic energy, first investigated by Baron von Reichanbach, "The Odic Force," ca. 1850.

Joel Skousen, "Strategic Relocation," 3rd ed., 2010.

19 April, 2022

Discussion Regarding Armstrong's "Foundations for World War III"

   Today's analysis by Armstrong [1] brings into focus the very real possibility that certain elements within our government and their associated components have been engaged in a lengthy strategy to develop a strategic atmosphere of ultimate war with Russia.  The analysis indicates that the assignment of Russian involvement within the Trump administration was engineered within the CIA and other elements as part of an effort to compromise and remove Trump.  It was certainly clear during the 2016 election period that candidate Clinton held a hostile posture toward Russia, in particular her comments regarding a no-fly zone in Syria at the time, which would have been an act of war.  This type of action was repeated by Vice president Harris during a high level meeting in Europe just four days prior to the invasion of Ukraine, openly stating that Ukraine should be a part of NATO - in direct violation of the Belgrade agreement, and during a particularly sensitive timefame in which such a statement was conspicuously provocative. 

   It is noteworthy that during the Cuban Missile Crisis the military hardliners in the Pentagon were lobbying to enter a direct military solution immediately, while Kennedy and his advisors soon assessed the consequences of such actions, based upon the interaction of human nature and the hazardous opaqueness of the Russian and American relationship.  There is also a similarity between the secret priorities within the CIA during the Kennedy the Trump administrations, both adversarial and clandestine, and operating in terms of a supranational agenda.   The sociological divisions in the United States, and arguably within the West in general, amplify the complexity and danger of a hostile posture between Russia and the West to a far more devastating level than even the Cuban Crisis, as the nuclear weapons balance is now far more even, and the evident competence and integrity of our leadership is infinitely degraded from that of the EXCOMM group that handled the Cuban Missile Crisis.  The American public is all but completely inured to the dangers that now exist. 

   The great miscalculation is that the same techniques used to remove Trump are being applied on an international level to attempt to remove Putin and bring Russia into compliance with the Great Reset Agenda.  The same is indicated for China as well.  Not only is the ethos of the whole process indescribably rancid, but the strategy itself is fatally flawed.  Armstrong indicates that the current activities in this regard are quite frankly a massive conspiracy and treason, which brings into the fore the question of just where a forced regime change should most beneficially occur.  Keep in mind as well, that if Putin were removed, the replacement would almost certainly be a hardliner who would escalate the situation.  A major dissension is being cultivated between the Russian and American people that resembles that opaqueness of the Cuban crisis, but this time the designers of war are in the driver's seat. Exactly how should the peoples of the world address this situation?


13 April, 2022

Email from Stephen to John

 Hi John - I just reviewed Greg Hunter's interview of Martin Armstrong yesterday [1].  It is extremely revealing, and ties into many of the issues I have been discussing..    I highly recommend spending the time to watch it. 


01 April, 2022

Memo - to Greg Hunter per Dane Wigington Interview
Video Interview here:

Hi Greg -

  Glad to see that you got Dane on the show.  His research is key to understanding the fundamental strategy of global agenda.  I should offer now a more detailed discussion, should you find it helpful -

  It has been three and a half years since I came to the conclusion that the nuclear winter effect [see, for instance, "On The 8th Day"] will soon become necessary to intervene, once certain points of no return are reached in planetary thermal feedback cycles, and I mentioned the matter to Dane at that time.  This had not been mentioned anywhere that I knew of, although, interestingly, recently it has emerged in an article or two. That is perhaps ominous, as it means that the concept may be under actual consideration, of course confidentially, at high levels after all.   In particular, the methane issue, per the Kennett Study [see Clathrate Gun Hypothesis], forms the most lethal basis for concern. Dane has been discussing this danger for some years now, and I recall his points in the 2013 timeframe in which satellite showed a gigantic increase in methane out gassing near the north pole.  In December of 2018 I wrote Dane regarding the concern that the global agenda may include a nuclear winter scenario for those reasons, and he has mentioned the concept on a number of occasions since then.  

   I also pointed out that Joel Skousen's discussions in Strategic Relocation [see 3rd ed., 2010] regarding U.S. nuclear policy and the general geopolitical plan included a limited nuclear war - an attack induced from Russia and China in order to introduce the necessary impetus for a U.N. intervention and final disposition of American cultural independence from the New Order agenda.  Skousen further pointed out that the process began formally in 1997 with the signing of PDD-60 by Clinton, limiting U.S. strategic nuclear response in the event of a tactical strike - the U.S. would absorb the strike.  In my work in the Trident Missile guidance component radiation testing arena, I remember in the 1990's the discussions of conversion of some of the Trident missiles to conventional warheads, which seemed ridiculous, considering their cost.  Something has been compromising U.S. nuclear capability under a strategy that is far more complex than ordinary defense.  Something other than the massive strategic MAD scenario has been in play, and it is not simply the idealistic nuclear disarmament concept.  In this context, however, the U.S. population is nonetheless regarded as expendable - as indeed it is in the larger global agenda.   

   In the timeframe of Skousen's 2010 discussions it was difficult to imagine that such a strategy could become real, but as the failure of geoengineering and deliberate forest burning clearly became a losing battle in 2018, the Skousen discussion took on a new perspective.  The climate issue became a matter of producing a sharp rise of particulate matter that could cause a decisive shift in the ultimate equilibrium point of the new planetary thermodynamic state which would completely interrupt the Clathrate Gun effect, or even be used to mitigate the slower industrial anthropogenic components.  We are notably already at 4 parts per million methane in the atmosphere, and rising, and as Dane often points out, methane is two orders of magnitude larger in greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide.  It is also worth noting his recent discussions about the immense methane blowouts near Antarctica, which are sequels to the blowouts that have been occurring in the Siberia methane deposits for some years now.  About forty million acres of forest in Siberia burned last year - an order of magnitude larger than in North America, and comparable to the Amazon and central Africa.  This is arguably by design, but is, even in addition to the aerosol SRM, fighting a losing battle against the planetary thermal runaway and also is contributing to the destruction of the ozone layer.  Dane has also pointed out the irony that the same particulate matter that mitigates sunlight also, and even more strongly, inhibits infrared re-radiation at night - hence his point that nighttime lows have been generally rising even faster than day highs across the planet.     One possible remedy is the inducement of a caldera eruption or series of volcanoes that would produce a controlled nuclear winter effect.  I suspect, however, that the outcome is too unpredictable and also is especially prone to production of enhanced fallout, as the neutron activation of the volcanic material would be massive, and then cast into the  air.  The first underwater nuclear bomb test was disastrous because of the immense fallout from seawater.  Most do not realize as well that Russian strategy includes the use of nuclear torpedoes against our ports, which would be severely disabled from the enhanced fallout.  As it turns out, we have the 1970's vintage calculations of nuclear winter effect that indicate that a very small percentage of our arsenals would induce the phenomenon - something on the order of the number of warheads already tested worldwide.  The nuclear fallout from a campaign intended to use the explosives as incendiaries to produce surface burning [and production of the proper amount of particulate matter] is survivable, especially when combined with a plan to go underground for a period of time.  I suspect that the elite underground facilities may have exactly this scenario in mind, and of course, not giving consideration to the vast majority of humanity who have not been so prepared.  The philosophy of such an operation is that the methane clathrate catastrophe [and now, arguably the ultraviolet sterilization effect] indicate a potential for total planetary extinction of life, while the nuclear winter effect, especially if limited, may simply destroy most life, with the prospect of regeneration.  It is indeed an equation of lesser of two evils.  But it is also an equation of technocratic arrogance used by those whose theology is existential materialism.  

   Despite the logic, I do not, of course, endorse the concept.  Dane's philosophy is that we would be better off shutting down geoengineering altogether, and face the music.  This would, naturally, also mean the end of weather warfare, and of course, the music - a massive destabilization of climate as the planet would fight to return to a new equilibrium point [some degree of change is already permanent].  There appears to be no way to avoid massive famine at this point.  There are other reasons not to induce the nuclear winter effect, including the uncertainties of the conflict under which the process would be cloaked, the stupidity of war itself, and also the contamination associated with both the weapons and total societal breakdown, including the loss of control of the nuclear power reactor facilities.  There is concern that under a general grid failure, nuclear stations would not be able to execute reactor refueling outages to place the fuel from ALL of the reactors into the spent fuel pools before diesel reserves would run out in such circumstances.  Operating reactors could be used [if, for instance, EMP did not trip them in the first place], but even in optimal conditions, reactor trips are common, and even so, the last reactor would have to be offloaded with no offsite power available.  Never mind for the moment, that under such conditions, personnel would become short and the many other support personnel who attend outages will not be there to deal with routine problems.  And..... who will be delivering more diesel, and where will it be found, in such a situation?  I do not know if this level of scenario has been addressed at the NRC or FEMA, but judging how well nuclear disasters have been handled in the past [or, for that matter, Katrina, etc, etc], I am not comfortable with the prospect - this should be discussed in public forum, instead of juvenile spats happening at the Oscars, and the gauntlet of gender identity crises and psy-op race conflicts of people who have no Connexxion with reality.

   All of the talk about Maunder Minima and ice age discussions are, in my view, half truths - they are valid effects, but on a much longer timescale than the planetary thermodynamics caused by the current combination of industrial waste and geo-engineering.  In point of fact, the geo-engineering more resembles the efficacy of painkillers - the more they are used, the more they are needed, with that day soon coming for massive withdrawal.   

   These considerations are where our thinking should be directed, along with the greater social and spiritual equations related to mankind's greater purpose and life itself.  Those who have held power over this planet up to this time should be promptly dispensed with, and new roots should sprout where the dead crowns have fallen.      

All the Best,
Steve O'Neal

01 April, 2022


   I noticed that Greg Hunter has done an interview with Dane Wigington [1].  This is important in my view, as I have pointed out repeatedly that the ultimate basis of the global "reset" concept and the conflict manufactured over Ukraine is the imminent loss of ecological solvency, citing in particular Dane's data.  The military-sanction agenda is an obfuscation for global financial collapse, and the financial collapse is an obfuscation of the ecological basis, combined with the inherent failure of the Keynesian economic philosophy that terminates in unrecoverable sovereign debt. 

   To what extent Klaus Schwab and numerous heads of state are actually aware of the fuller argument I do not know, since even he [and they] are being played by a more occult boardroom, whose philosophies are foreign to conventional human ethos.  And, to what portion these agenda may involve clandestine cooperation with an extraterrestrial terra-forming program, or simply be a result of ecological infarction from industrial pollution and a suite of extinction level events resulting from weaponization of weather, is not immediately resolvable. 

   What is clear........ is that there is a permanent shift in the thermodynamic locus of the strange attractor that governs heat and moisture balance of the planet, and that the net effect is an unprecedented extinction phenomenon, and a huge reduction in carrying capacity that translates to imminent famine, among other consequences.  Severe drought is headed to the North American wheat belt this summer, which is certainly not helpful given the current global picture, nor accidental.  It is also notable to discover that Dane's radiometer readings are showing continued hardening of the ultraviolet spectrum, to now include x-rays.  The prognosis for all outdoor crops becoming disastrously reduced by this spectral hardening is now just several years from its terminal point, and the effects on all animal and plant life are very much already in play.  Monsanto, et al, have been engineering plants to resist aluminum contamination [from SRM aerosols], but I do not believe that any work has been done, or perhaps can reasonably be done, to effectively resist UVC and X-rays.  The matter will become moot anyway, as the entire planetary ecosystem is highly interconnected, and general loss of systemic symbiosis is failing as we speak.  That we have lost in just four decades, among many others, over two thirds of the planet's plankton is seldom addressed, but represents an extinction level event in its own right, again - among numerous others.  The coliseum is running overtime as the real threats to not only our interests, but our existence, are being drowned out by the clatter of chariots, trendy consciousness ascension psychobabble, and misplaced patriotic bluster to make new cannon fodder.  It is increasingly difficult to ignore even Nostradamus' quatrains regarding a third world conflict, including rather specific references to nuclear explosives and to unprecedented drought and famine, and - 

    "....the price of a bushel of wheat shall rise so high that man will become a man-eater." 

   It seems a good time to put Dane on the show again, as it has been five years since we first introduced him, and the warnings then are now hatching.  As I work desperately behind schedule alone at the homestead, knowing all of this, and knowing that so very few even care, let alone understand what is coming, it is disheartening to see my own technical talents lost in the dirt on a remote hill.  Meanwhile the Musk's and Bezos' of the world, instead of investing in bona fide humanity, build conspicuous wealth and space ships to play in near earth orbit, punching even more holes in the atmosphere and ozone, as if it were an escape, as the peoples of our world suffer under a monotonous, rancid Old Order of Pharaohs and slaves, always calling itself the New, and which so clearly needs to be overthrown.  It could also be said that, once truth has delivered its sentence, the last man on earth will be the wisest, but then again, who, in their right mind, wants to be that wise? 
